3.7 What Is The Christian Imagination?

EPISODE SUMMARY: In season 3 episode 7 of the Eudo Podcast, we continue our discussion on the imagination by focusing specifically on the Christian Imagination. What is the Christian Imagination?

3.8 A Theology of Story

EPISODE SUMMARY: What are stories? Why do we love them? How do our individual stories connect to God’s story? What is the role of fiction in the life of a

3.9 Tolkien on Fairy Stories

EPISODE SUMMARY: In season 3 episode 9 of the Eudo Podcast, Dr. Paul M. Gould expounds on J.R.R. Tolkien’s “An Essay on Fairy-Stories.” In this essay, Tolkien sets out to

3.10 C.S. Lewis on the Reading of Story and the Creation of Narnia

EPISODE SUMMARY: In season 3 episode 10 of the Eudo Podcast, Dr. Paul M. Gould discusses insights about story from C.D. Lewis. We know Lewis loved to read stories and

3.11 Creativity, Art, and Apologetics

EPISODE SUMMARY: In the final episode of Season 3 of the Eudo Podcast, Dr. Paul M. Gould wraps up our season-long discussion on beauty, mystery, story, longing, the divine, and

3.12 Interview with Holly Ordway

In this bonus episode, Paul interviews Holly Ordway on art, the imagination, and apologetics.
