A Theology of the Ordinary, by Julie Canlis

American evangelicals, like Americans in general, are fascinated with being great. We long to live a great life. We want to be impactful. We want to make a difference for

The Morals of the Story, by David Baggett and Marybeth Baggett

There has been a revival of interest in the moral argument for God over the past 50 years. With ever-increasing sophistication, Christian philosophers and theologians are showing the intimate connection

The Character Gap, by Christian Miller

As part of Oxford’s Philosophy in Action Series, Christian Miller’s Character Gap argues that we aren’t as good (or bad) as we think we are. As a Professor of Philosophy

Sacred Sense: Discovering the Wonder of God’s Word and World, William Brown

Sacred Sense: Discovering the Wonder of God’s Word and World, by William P. Brown In a disenchanted age man no longer perceives reality in its proper light. As a result,

3.1 What is Beauty?

EPISODE SUMMARY: Season 3 of the Eudo Podcast is all about beauty, art, and the Christian imagination.  In the season opener, the topic of discussion is beauty: What is beauty?

3.2 Beauty and Human Flourishing

EPISODE SUMMARY: In season 3 episode 2 of the Eudo Podcast, Dr. Paul M. Gould will discuss beauty’s connection to happiness and human flourishing. Is beauty essential to the human

3.3 What Is Art?

EPISODE SUMMARY: In season 3 episode 3 of the Eudo Podcast, we turn from the question of beauty to the question of art. What is art? What is the connection

3.4 What Is Art For?

EPISODE SUMMARY: In season 3 episode 4 of the Eudo Podcast, Dr. Paul M. Gould explores the purpose of art. What is it for? How can Christians use art? How

3.5 Beauty, Art, and Suffering

EPISODE SUMMARY: In season 3 episode 5 of the Eudo Podcast, the topic of discussion is suffering. Specifically, what is the connection between beauty and suffering? Listen on as Paul

3.6 What Is The Imagination?

EPISODE SUMMARY:   In season 3 episode 6 of the Eudo Podcast, we turn to the topic of the imagination. Listen on as Dr. Paul M. Gould discusses the role
