Cultural Apologetics and the Church: Pastoral Tools and Gospel Barriers

Now that we have identified the primary tools of the pastor as artisan as teaching, liturgy, and systems of life together, the question becomes the shape of the structure we

Cultural Apologetics and the Church: The Tools of the Pastor

We have already argued that “pastor as artisan” should be a primary metaphor for understanding pastoral vocation in the present day. As artisans, pastors shape and attend to the beauty

Cultural Apologetics and the Church: Pastoral Vocation

See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with

Cultural Apologetics and the Church: The Beautiful Community

“Beauty calls us home. It awakens and transports us. Beauty – in nature, in art, in humans, in the divine – awakens a longing within us for a world where

4.1 On Wonder

EPISODE SUMMARY: Our topic of Season 4 of the Eudo podcast is “Re-discovering the Sacramental Image.” We want to see the world and delight in it the same way Jesus

4.2 Learning to Delight in God’s World

EPISODE SUMMARY:  As we consider God’s world—the sun or the moon, the chicken or the egg, the laws of mathematics or the laws of physics—there is a feeling that rises

4.3 The Doctrine of Creation

EPISODE SUMMARY:  So far this season we’ve explored the question of wonder and delight. The idea is that we can join with God to reenchant the world as we learn

4.4 The Discarded Image

EPISODE SUMMARY: In this episode, we want to take you back in history to a time when pretty much everyone viewed the world as enchanted. This image of the world

4.5 The Sacramental Universe

EPISODE SUMMARY: What kind of universe do we live in? According to the dominant story coming from science, the universe is just a vast assembly of molecules in motion. In

4.6 The Wonder of Life

EPISODE SUMMARY: In season 4 episode 6 of the Eudo Podcast, we explore the wonder of life. So far, we’ve explored the topics of wonder and delight and considered in
