

Interview Questions for Matthew Neirmann,

Director, Mere Creativity

  1. Tell us about yourself Matthew? Tell us a bit of your faith journey and journey as an architect and academic.
  2. You where a number of different hats. Your education is very eclectic. You have degrees in architecture from the universities of Michigan and Illinois, you have theology and missiology degrees from Gordon Conwell, and you even have an MA in apologetics from Biola. Why so eclectic? How do all these degrees fit together?
  3.  You are a professor, a designer, a missiologists (an expert on cultural witness), and more. Let’s talk about each of these roles and how you see them all fitting together?
  4. You recently served as the director of operations for the Lausanne Movement. Can you tell us a bit about that role and about the global report on missions that you recently have completed for them?
  5. You are the director of CBU’s Center for Creativity and Christian Witness. Tell us about this center. What is the vision of the center? How did it come about? What sorts of programs do you do?
  6. One of the initiatives of the Center is called the Fellowship of Faithful Creatives. Can you tell us about this?
  7. Tell us more about your plans for the public facing side of the center, called Mere Creativity? Tagline: The place where you cultivate creative purpose. Can you tell us more about this?
  8. Why does creativity matter? Why should Christians care about art and creativity?
  9. You are also an author. You wrote a book called Humble Creative: Moral Vice and the Pursuit of Flourishing Creativity. Can you tell us a bit about that book and why you wrote it?
  10. Putting on your hat as a professor, designer, and missiologist, can you tell us what some of the new frontiers will be in ministry over the next few decades and also some cultural trends that we need to be more aware of as we think about presenting the gospel in culture?
  11. How can listeners connect with mere creativity and your work? How can they find you?

Instagram: mere.creativity



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