5.10 Fame and the Pursuit of Meaningful Happiness

EPISODE SUMMARY: We’ve been exploring dead-ends on the search for meaningful happiness. So far, we’ve explored the ideas that wealth and success will bring happiness, noting that when treated as

5.11 Pleasure and the Pursuit of Meaningful Happiness

EPISODE SUMMARY: We are continuing our exploration of dead ends when it comes to the pursuit of happiness. So far, we’ve considered happiness as wealth, success, and fame. In this

Episode 5.12: Interview with Colson Fellows National Director S. Michael Craven

In this episode, Paul Gould interviews S. Michael Craven, National Director of the Colson Fellows Program Thanks to our season five sponsor:   In this episode, Paul interviews S. Michael

Drink It In

It was a hard week. You know what I mean. The kind when so much happens you feel like you’ve lived a whole month in just a few days. Maybe

Cultural Apologetics and the Church: Pastoral Tools and Gospel Barriers

Now that we have identified the primary tools of the pastor as artisan as teaching, liturgy, and systems of life together, the question becomes the shape of the structure we

Cultural Apologetics and the Church: The Tools of the Pastor

We have already argued that “pastor as artisan” should be a primary metaphor for understanding pastoral vocation in the present day. As artisans, pastors shape and attend to the beauty

Cultural Apologetics and the Church: Pastoral Vocation

See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with

Cultural Apologetics and the Church: The Beautiful Community

“Beauty calls us home. It awakens and transports us. Beauty – in nature, in art, in humans, in the divine – awakens a longing within us for a world where
